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Advice Dry or Wet F...

Advice Dry or Wet Food...

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 4
22/12/2022 3:08 am
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Since adopting my first cat, I have been an avid viewer and reader of All About Cat’s community content. I've learned so much, and it has made me a well-informed paw parent, so thank you for all the research and time to provide us with such fantastic content. I recently added another fur baby. She's an eight-month-old ragdoll. Since she arrived home, I've attempted to transition to wet kitten food. She previously was eating wet food but had dry kibble available throughout the day to free feed. She has been eating very little, nowhere near as much as it is recommended for her to eat. I took her to the vet for a wellness check, and the veterinarian said if she's eating/drinking and using her litter box, she is fine she's just adjusting to her new environment. She barely eats any of her wet food, I've tried about three different wet food brands, and she hasn't taken to any and only consumes very little. I've decided to give her some of the dry kibbles that she was previously eating, which is Instinct Kitten Dry kibble, which she gobbles up all her dry kibble. What should I do? Should I continue trying more with wet food or provide her the dry kibble? 

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 30
22/12/2022 4:21 pm

My cat is almost 3.  He WILL NOT look at wet food, and instead looks at me like I'm trying to poison him when I try to feed him wet food.  (Interesting, he likes wet treats -- go figure.)  Wet food is the better alternative, but dry food not the end of the world, and I wouldn't stress your kitten over it.  I get a very high quality dry food, Open Farm, and make sure he drinks a LOT of water, which, luckily, he likes to, especially from the tap. He'll drink from the tap for minutes at a time, and has a fountain and two other water bowls.  I haven't given up on trying wet food, as cats' tastes can change, bit I'm going to wait a few months.  But in the meantime he's doing great on Open Farm and lots of water.  I also give him some urinary tract health treats.   

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 4
29/12/2022 4:02 am
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Thank you for the response. I have decided to let her enjoy the food she eats and as she transitions to adulthood I will try again. But for now she loves her kibble and she drinks lots of water. I’m just glad she is eating.