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Cat traumatized by automatic litter box

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 1
20/02/2024 12:34 pm
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I have 2 older cats (8 and 10 years old). They've been using litter box since they were little kittens. They're fully inside cats, never been let out. A year ago we moved from Poland to the UK and I thought that getting an automatic self-cleaning box is a great idea. Everything was fine until I found out that my older cat is relieving outside the box. When I tried to put him in it he started hissing and didn't want to come in. I realized that probably the box started cleaning when he was inside and now he's traumatised. I got a normal litter box (the one we had previously in Poland). Unfortunately it didn't help much as he still urinates outside of it. He has some "favourite spots" that I have to constantly clean. It just makes me tired. It's really frustrating to go back home from work and all house smells like cat urine. I don't know what to do. It's been a really long time and I'm afraid that he'll never learn to use litter box again. Please, advise, what do I do?

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 53
25/02/2024 4:34 am

Dear Patrycja

I am sorry to hear about your cat’s traumatic experience with the self-cleaning litter and urination outside the litter box.

The first thing to do is to relocate the self-cleaning box to another room where your cat can't see it often or remove it from your home altogether. Seeing it might trigger his anxiety. If you still need to do so, take your cat to the vet for a checkup. Perhaps his joints were aching a little, which prevented him from accessing or getting out of the self-cleaning litter, or maybe he was constipated and couldn't get out in time. Various underlying health reasons could also explain why he is not using the normal litter boxes.

Once you've ruled out any health issues, try some of the following:

  1. Check the current litter box's size. It may need an upgrade to a larger one that is 1.5 times the length of his body.
  2. Purchase a few more litter trays with low edges. Please place them in different parts of the home in secluded, quiet areas where he can't be disturbed.
  3. Try a few different types of litter and add a litter attractant (a natural mix of herbs and plant extracts).
  4. Ensure you clean his favorite spots with an enzyme odor neutralizer.
  5. When you see him sniffing his litter tray, use your forefinger to paw through the clean litter, then let him explore independently.
  6. If he prefers to urinate in one location or substrate, try blocking access to this area.
  7. Use Feliway spray on 'favorite spots' and plug in a Feliway diffuser to your cat's most frequented room to help reduce his stress levels.
  8. Place valuable resources such as food bowls or scratching posts on top of the ‘favorite spots’.
  9. Reward him with praise or treats when he uses the litter box (ensure he finishes doing his business and gets out of the tray first).
  10. Address all stressors and provide additional support to help your cat feel more comfortable and happier.

If all else fails, restrict him to one area with at least three litter trays for one week and retrain him from scratch.

Please be patient and don’t give up. It’s easy to get frustrated and discouraged.


All the best to both of your cats.
