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Food recommended on that has cinnamon in it

Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 2
03/05/2024 4:22 pm
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I had left a comment on the article about cinnamon, but for some reason I don't think I will get a response.  I would like a response as I think it's important since it directly affects my cat's health (I had bought food that was recommended by  In the article that is on the site about cinnamon, it is stated "Cinnamon is never used in commercial cat food as it can be toxic when eaten in high concentrations ." But, Wellness CORE Digestive Health Chicken Pate Recipe in the list for one of the Best Cat Foods for IBD and Best Cat Food To Stop Vomiting.  There is cinnamon in the ingredients. If  "Cinnamon contains compounds that cats can’t break down" and "Cats should never be allowed to eat cinnamon, or any food containing cinnamon", then why have the Wellness Core Digestive Health in the lists?  I bought this food since my cat is having digestive issues but, did not pay close enough attention that cinnamon is in the ingredients, so now I am very concerned.  So far, my cat doesn't seem worse off, but I'm not sure if I should bother continuing with the food.

2 Answers
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 15
04/05/2024 9:10 pm

Hi L B

Apologies for not replying to your comment, you're probably referring to the following article right?

The information that Cinnamon is never used in commercial cat food is indeed not correct and we've went ahead and edited the article.

Cinnamon is occasionally used in pet foods, primarily in small quantities for flavoring. However, its usage can vary depending on the specific formulation and brand. Most pet food manufacturers may include cinnamon for its aromatic properties. 

Apologies again for the misunderstanding 


Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 2
05/05/2024 9:32 pm
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@admin I appreciate the response, thank you. However, I still think the contradicting information is worrying and confusing. Again, it's stated that "Cinnamon contains compounds that cats can’t break down" and "Cats should never be allowed to eat cinnamon, or any food containing cinnamon", yet the site recommends a food (in two different lists) that has the spice in it. I don't mean to harp on about this, but it's very frustrating for a cat parent spending days navigating the world of cat nutrition only to be met with contradicting and confusing information all of the time. There's especially already enough anxiety and frustration when you are trying to help a sick cat (even with the help of a vet).

Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 15
06/05/2024 10:23 pm

@L B Thank you for insisting here, everything you say here is on point and we're going to edit the article to reflect the information accurately on the difference between cinnamon at home use vs cinnamon that is used in commercial food and is processed differently, used in small quantities mainly for color and aroma purposes and is of no danger to pets.


Again we're really sorry for the confusion and you are a wonderful cat parent for looking into this so closely