
Mouser Cat Food Review

Marketed as the world’s first cat food made with cats’ most natural prey, Mouser is a canned cat food brand that features mice as a primary ingredient. Mouser cat food is certainly unique, but is...

Kate Barrington

James Wellbeloved Cat Food Review

The Standard—Rating James Wellbeloved on What Matters We’ve rated James Wellbeloved on six key criteria for quality. Here are our ratings for each: We give James Wellbeloved a B rating. Why Trust I...

Jo Plumridge

Viva Raw Cat Food Review

Raw cat food emulates the composition of a natural feline diet but nutritional balance is still a must. Not all commercial products are formulated to provide the essential nutrients your cat needs but Viva is....

Kate Barrington

Shine Cat Food Review

We’ve rated Shine Pet Food Co. on ingredient quality, species-appropriateness, recalls, and more. Read our Shine cat food review to learn how this brand stacks up. The Standard—Rating Shine Cat Food on What Matters...

Shannon Perry

Bravery Cat Food Review

Manufactured in Spain and sold around the world, Bravery cat food is marketed as a “back to basics” approach to pet nutrition. But are its meat-centric recipes worth putting in your cat’s bowl? Let’s take...

Kate Barrington

10 Best Joint Supplements for Cats

Joint supplements aren’t a substitute for veterinary care, but they could help your aging cat feel their best. As a complement to a healthy diet, certain ingredients may help relieve joint stiffness, reduce inflammation, and...

Kate Barrington