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Garfield Cat Litter Review

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Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

Note: Garfield cat litter has been discontinued and rebranded as “Sustainably Yours”. Read our full review of Sustainably Yours cat litter here.

Garfield litter is an all-natural litter made from dehydrated cassava and corn with no added chemicals or fragrances. It’s completely plant-based, biodegradable and flushable, and its naturally light color makes it easy for owners to spot any irregularities in their cat’s urine.

Even though it’s unscented, the natural ingredients still manage to do a decent job with odor control, and the immediate clumping ability is outstanding for scoopability.

Lastly, the all-natural ingredients provide virtually no dust, and the granules are softer and more comfortable on a kitty’s paws than many other litters. Not only is Garfield Litter an outstanding litter, it’s also beneficial to the environment.


  • Product Variety – 2/5
  • Price Per Pound – 3/5
  • Multi-Cat Formulas – 4/5
  • Long-Lasting Odor Control – 3/5
  • Natural/Alternative Options – 5/5

Overall Score: 4/5

How We Tested:

  • We purchased both varieties of cat litters that Garfield has to offer
  • We spent multiple weeks testing the litters on several cats
  • We did not receive these products in exchange for a favorable review, they were purchased with our own money

Brand Overview

Garfield is a well-known and beloved cat from comic strips, books and animated shows, and the brand recognition associated with him is obviously eye-catching. But there’s definitely more to this litter than just a lasagna-loving cat with a snarky attitude.

One variety of Garfield Cat Litter is the Ultimate Clump formula. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

Garfield Litter is trying hard to make an impact on the environment in a very positive way by using all-natural ingredients that are renewable, flushable, biodegradable and compostable. Also, it’s manufactured in Brazil, and the company only works with reliable third-party suppliers of corn and cassava for their ingredients.

Another variety of Garfield Cat Litter is the Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat formula. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

As for its benefits for cats, Garfield Litter’s granules offer a softer texture and consistency, which make it more comfortable for your kitties to walk on and use compared to many other types of litter. And, as mentioned, its lighter color makes it easier for cat owners to recognize unusual discoloration in urine, which is sometimes a sign of  health and digestive issues.

Products Included In This Review

Name Materials Clumping? Life Stage Additional Features
Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter Cassava, Corn Yes All Clumping, Unscented, All-Natural, Flushable
Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter Cassava, Corn Yes All Clumping, Unscented, All-Natural, Flushable

What Kinds Of Litter Does The Brand Offer?

Garfield Litter offers two varieties, with one that is specifically formulated for multi-cat homes. Both litters are made from the same cassava and corn ingredients using the same all-natural and chemical-free process. Also, both Garfield litters are unscented and are clumping litters.

Both Garfield cat litter formulas offer the following benefits:

  • Made from all-natural ingredients
  • No added chemicals or fragrances
  • Dust-free formula
  • Immediate clumping
  • Flushable

This litter is different than many other litters on the market due to its ingredients and manufacturing process, and its uniqueness contributes to its outstanding clumping and scooping abilities, as well as its eco-friendly approach.

The only downsides are that it’s a little mediocre when it comes to odor control and, since the granules are so small, there can be tracking and scattering outside of the litter box. This is especially true with the multi-cat formula, which has smaller grains between the two litters.

Also, the cost of Garfield Litter is a bit higher than many other available litters, and the bags will seem pretty small, particularly if you have a multi-cat home. However, the litter will last longer than you think before it needs to be completely dumped

The two formulas in this review are the only two litters Garfield has to offer.

Product Name Type Price Overall Rating
Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter Clumping $1.02 per lb 3.5/5
Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter Clumping $1.7 per lb 3.5/5

#1 Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter

We tested Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter for several weeks in a multi-cat home. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

The all-natural plant-based ingredients are designed to be a more eco-friendly option than more traditional, clay-based litters. It doesn’t contain any added fragrances, it utilizes a chemical-free dehydration process, and it’s also made from renewable ingredients that can be safely flushed down toilets and most septic systems.

The granules are very fine but there was virtually no dust when pouring it into the litter box, and there was also no dust when scooping it out. Also, its cassava and corn ingredients are outstanding when it comes to absorbency and clumping, making it very easy to scoop. The clumps are consistently solid, they didn’t break apart when scooping, and there were no mushy bits left at the bottom of the litter box.

Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter has very high absorbency and did a great job with clumping. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

However, due to its fragrance-free formula, Garfield Litter isn’t that outstanding when it comes to immediate odor control. This is a multi-cat formula that we tested in a multi-cat home, and while the clumping and scoopability was impressive, the odor control wasn’t the best. Still, it’s a very impressive litter whether or not you’re not concerned with odor control.

Also, keep in mind that it’s a slightly more expensive litter than many other brands, but you’re paying a little extra for the all-natural ingredients, the flushability and the lessened impact on the environment.

Category Rating
Price 3/5
Clumping Action 5/5
Odor Control 3/5
Dust/Mess 5/5
Scent 3/5
Easy to Scoop 5/5
Overall Rating 4/5


  • Made from all-natural, plant-based ingredients with no added chemicals
  • Superior clumping ability
  • Safe to flush into toilets


  • Not great with odor control
  • Scattering and tracking outside of litter box

This litter comes in a 10-pound bag. And since it’s made from cassava and corn, it feels slightly less dense and less heavy than litters made from clay and other ingredients.

#2 Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter

We tested Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter for several weeks in a multi-cat home. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

The plant-based formula in this litter is not only kinder to the environment due to its natural ingredients and lack of fragrances or other additives, but it’s also compostable and safe to flush down toilets.

Even though the granules are extremely fine and have a sandy texture, there was still virtually no dust when pouring it into the litter box and when scooping. And, just like the other variety of Garfield Litter, its cassava and corn combination absorbs and clumps almost instantly, which made it very easy to scoop without breaking apart or leaving any additional mess at the bottom of the litter box.

Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat litter has a very fine grain, but was still outstanding with clumping and absorbency. Michael Vogelsang / Cats.com

But, just like with the other Garfield Litter, the odor control isn’t all that great due to its fragrance-free formula. So, even though the clumping and scooping abilities are outstanding, keep in mind that the odor control isn’t the best. Still, it’s an all-around great litter if odor control isn’t a huge priority for you.

Although it’s a little more expensive than many other litters, this Garfield Litter is extremely easy to use in terms of its absorbency and scoopability. We tested it in a multi-cat home with several cats and found it to be a very good option for litter even though the odor control wasn’t outstanding and the small granules are easily tracked outside of the litter box.

Category Rating
Price 3/5
Clumping Action 5/5
Odor Control 3/5
Dust/Mess 4/5
Scent 3/5
Easy to Scoop 5/5
Overall Rating 4/5


  • Made from all-natural, plant-based ingredients with no added chemicals
  • Excellent clumping ability
  • Can be flushed into toilets


  • Not great for odor control
  • Easily scattered outside of litter boxes

This litter comes in a 10-pound bag. It’s not too heavy or difficult to pour since it’s made from cassava and corn, making it easier to handle compared to litters made from clay and other ingredients.

What Do Customers Think of Garfield Cat Litter?

Both Garfield cat litters scored extremely high with customers, with the Ultimate Clump formula scoring 85% and Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat formula scoring 86% on Chewy. Also on Chewy, the Ultimate Clump received a 4-star rating while the Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat received a 4.3-star rating. As with all litters, there are both good and bad reviews, so you may have to do some experimenting to find out what works best for your cats and what works best for you.

Keep reading to see positive and negative reviews for both varieties of Garfield Litter featured above:

Positive Customer Reviews for Garfield Litter

“We’ve tried so many cat litters to try and find one that contains the odor and is easy to clean and we finally did. We have three cats and this litter clumps and hides the smell like no other litter. No smell, easy clean up and no scraping clumped pee on the bottom. We absolutely love it and no other litter matches it!” –Jenn, reviewing Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter

“OMG! I don’t know what took me so long to discover this amazing product. I will NEVER EVER go back to the clay based litter. This litter has no odor, it clumps better than any other litter I’ve used and, best of all, I can flush it. Scoop-flush, scoop-flush, scoop-flush. What could be better? I HIGHLY recommend this product to all cat caretakers.”  –Marlena, reviewing Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter

Negative Customer Reviews for Garfield Litter

“I see a lot of people like this litter, but apparently it’s just not for me. I tried to switch my litter to something flushable. It seems fine and I was flushing it for a week and it didn’t clog my toilet yet. But it doesn’t absorb odor so much. It’s lighter than other litter, so my cat makes more mess around his litter box. So I would rather deal with my old litter and dispose of everything instead of flushing and having more headaches. But it’s just me.” –Elena reviewing Garfield Ultimate Clump Litter

“After trying this litter for my cats, I am thoroughly impressed with the scooping aspect of it because it is so smooth and the clumps don’t get stuck to the side of the box! If I were reading this on that alone, this would be five stars and beyond! However, the odor control is not that great, even after adding order control to it. For that reason, I probably won’t buy it again because I live in a smaller space where it is important to have odor control, but if you live in a larger space where you’re not really near the litter box, and you’re looking for good dust-free litter with great scooping, then this is great!” –Becky reviewing Garfield Ultimate Clump Multi-Cat Litter

How Much Does Garfield Cat Litter Cost?

Garfield Cat Litter May seem a little more expensive than many other litters, but it’s also very long-lasting, and its eco-friendly ingredients and biodegrability make the extra cost worthwhile.

The original formula costs $1.02 per pound, and the multi-cat formula costs $1.70 per pound, which is certainly more than what most traditional litters. However, again, it’s sustainability, environmental friendliness and ease of use make the slightly higher price very justifiable.

Overall, Is Garfield Cat Litter A Good Choice?

We have mostly very positive things to say about both varieties of Garfield Litter. It’s a great product that only has a couple of drawbacks, and the drawbacks are very minor depending on what you are looking for in your cat litter.

The main difference between the two varieties of this litter is the size of the granules. The multi-cat formula has a finer grain than the original formula, so the multi-cat formula tends to get more scattered outside of the litter box more than the original formula. Also, since there are no added fragrances or other chemicals, the odor control may be an issue for some people.

That being said, it all depends on how many cats you have, where you place your litter boxes, how much you are willing to spend on your litter, and how important the environmental impact is to you.

Where Is Garfield Litter Sold?

Garfield Litter is primarily sold online through Chewy and Amazon, but is also available to purchase from other retailers.

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About Michael Vogelsang

Owned by a colony of 12 cats, Michael is an animal lover, writer, musician and voice actor who has always loved having animals in his life. He and his wife enjoy their involvement with local shelters and the rescue community, as well as taking care of their ever-growing family of animals.

2 thoughts on “Garfield Cat Litter Review”

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  1. Nancy Chandler

    I am a big fan of Garfield cat litter and think the review is spot on. However, it has become very difficult to find and sellers on Amazon are price gouging. Any insight into why Garfield has been sold out everywhere for months?
