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GPS or tracker for ...

GPS or tracker for cats

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1
14/07/2021 5:15 pm
Topic starter


I recently couldn't find my cat for a few days and it really scared me as she would always come home every night. My cat is very happy outside and she is very depressed that we are now keeping her in since this incident.  I'm trying to strike a happy balance here so that the cat and I are both happy.

I am investigating the use of a tracking collar and was wondering if there is a preferred GPS tracker that is smaller for cats.  The ones I see online are too big, bulky for cats and I have to ensure that my cat isn't in jeopardy out there by the unit getting caught on anything in the brushes....any thoughts, recommendations from this community of cat lovers??


Thank you

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 61
21/07/2021 4:19 pm

Hi Laura, so sorry I missed your post! The closest I've found to a slim, cat-friendly GPS tracker is the Pawtrack. You can read a review of it here(listed as number one on our list).