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Is my cat having nightmares?

Joined: 4 weeks ago
Posts: 3
14/05/2024 6:10 pm
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My 4 ur old Bengal/Himalayan cat Olivia hasn't experienced any trauma but she often meows out loud like she’s in distress and then wakes up just to realize everything’s ok. 
is their anything I can do to help her not have nightmares.

thanks for your help,

Antonio Ferrelli,
Olivia & Elia.

Joined: 4 weeks ago
Posts: 3
15/05/2024 6:12 am
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Thank U Melina I appreciate the suggestions. I’m pretty sure my cat that just passed away took care of me in another life…That’s Karma! He passed away peacefully @ home in my arms. The pain and loss never fades U just learn to live with it…

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 53
15/05/2024 1:23 am


Hi Antonio

Thank you for reaching out.

Can you provide more information regarding her vocalization? What’s Olivia’s temperament like? Is she an indoor-outdoor cat? What age did it start? Has she had a vet check since it started? Is it daily, at the same time? What is she doing before the distressed meow starts? Is it just during nap time?

Your insights are invaluable in this situation.

Thank you

1 Answer
Joined: 4 weeks ago
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15/05/2024 3:10 am
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Olivia‘s last vet visit was completely fine. She’s had all her shots and booster shots. She started showing this kind of nightmare activity when she was still a kitten. She’s completely healthy otherwise and has never experienced any kind of trauma that could be provoking nightmares. I started using a cat calming pheromone diffuser to see if it helped relax the girls. They were just as upset as I was when we lost my 17-year-old cat in January the day after his birthday the girls were sort of lost for about a week.

Olivia was the first cat in the litter, and Ellia was the sister that was born right after her in a litter of four. I adopted them immediately after they were weaned and still fit in the palm of my hand.

otherwise, her diet and her bowel movements are fine.

I used PrettyLitter, which changes colours if there’s any kind of problems with your cats, kidneys or bladder, that’s part of what alerted me to the kidney problem with my Male cat Silveryn who passed away in Jan.

She shows obvious signs that she’s in REM state when she starts to twitch and then calls out like she’s in distress. the she wakes up and takes a moment to right herself when she relishes everything’s OK.



Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 53
15/05/2024 5:57 am

@onestrangeangel Thank you for the extensive feedback, and I am sorry for your recent loss, Antonio. Since Olivia has a clean bill of health from the vet and has been exhibiting this nightmare activity since kittenhood, I suspect it may have an emotional trigger, perhaps after the separation from her mum. This may sound strange, but it can also relate to an issue from a past life. A calming pheromone diffuser like Feliway may help. You can also introduce calming dry cat herbs like Valerian Root and Chamomile flowers in small doses. A relaxing cat massage before bedtime may also be beneficial. Next month, watch for our article on how to apply cat massage at home. Positive safety affirmations in a soothing tone will also be instrumental. Lastly, if you want to dig a little deeper, you can chat with an Animal Communicator who can do so. I hope some of the above suggestions are helpful and Olivia can sleep soundly and wake up without any distress in the coming months. All the best Melina