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My cat got neutered...

My cat got neutered 3 years ago but why does he still have BIG BALLS ?

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 12
23/08/2021 6:24 am
Topic starter

He's a rescue cat at age 3 he got neutered and shots but he still has BIG FLUFFY BALLS as you can see in is this normal for a neutered cat to have balls? I mean why does he have balls after being neutered? My friends who have cats have female ones so I don't have anything to compare to. Another cat owner has also commented that they thought my cat hasn't been neutered because they saw his pair of balls in another video.

Also it's been 3 years since his neutering and shots so do I have to get any of those shots again if he's an exclusively indoor cat who sometimes goes on the balcony but we don't really have mosquitoes up on the third floor. He's usually not around other cats either so I guess not much risk of passing feline to feline diseases?  Please advise!  Thanks again.


Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 31
24/08/2021 12:52 pm

Hi there,

Firstly, when a cat is neutered the scrotal sack is usually left in place. So what you might be seeing is just his scrotum, which can be a bit confusing. However, this usually shrinks so it's perfectly possible his testicles are still in position. A vet would be able to tell you by having a feel.

Secondly, I would still advise vaccinations. It depends on your area exactly which vaccinations are still needed (and some, like rabies, may be a legal requirement). As vets, we prefer not to blanket-vaccinate, but take each cat on a case-by-case basis and decide on the best option for the individual cat, their area, and their risk level, as well as local laws. Even if, in discussion with your vet, you decide not to continue with vaccinations, an annual check-up at the vets is an important part of his health care plan and should definitely be continued.

So, I would book a check up with your vet. You can ask them about his testicles/neuter status, as well as about vaccinations he needs. If, between you, you decide that no vaccinations are necessary, your vet can still check him over and make sure there are no concerns.

Hope that helps!

Dr Woodnutt MRCVS