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Cat uses the litter...

Cat uses the litter box but just walks straight in and pees out the opening... Please Help

Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 5
10/03/2024 5:26 pm
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I had a 7 yr old spayed and front declawed kitty show up Christmas morning, starving, emaciated, sores in her mouth - bad shape!  Took her to my vet the day after and he treated her for everything and she's doing great now, gained a couple pounds already etc.  Her problem is that she does use the litter box but just walks straight in and pees from there - out the opening usually!  I've tried 4 different boxes (covered and open boxes)  and same thing.   I had to put a boot tray under the litter box so that would catch it instead of it going on the carpet.  I can't imagine a WAY to teach her (any cat)  HOW to pee in a litter box like normal cats do.    But if anyone has any ideas please share!!!  She is here to stay and very loving and sweet (a bit feisty tho LOL)  Strictly an inside cat.   All my life I've never had a cat do that so I'm at a complete loss.  TYIA for any help!

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 53
11/03/2024 12:13 am

Hi Shelah

Thank you for taking this kitty into your home.

I would love to see a video of the urination behavior. Additionally, does she squat or spray, and does she use the tray to poop outside the tray?

Meanwhile, you can also place a puppy pad under the boot tray.






Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 53
12/03/2024 12:58 am

@shelahsummers Thank you for providing me with additional information. It is invaluable. I also wonder if a medical issue prevents your cat from fully squatting. Have you tried using a tray specifically designed for cats with arthritis? You can check out these options: KittyGoHere Senior Cat Litter Box or Senior Cat Litter Box for Sick Frail Handicap Disabled Cats.

If that doesn't work, try trimming the edges of the long Tupperware box even more.

Don't worry about the video; if you can capture it, great. Otherwise, please keep it for when you visit the vet.

Keep trying different solutions to see what works best. Your cat is fortunate to have found you!


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11/03/2024 5:58 pm
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@melina-grin She does poop inside the box.   I'm wondering if she has a back or back leg issue as she still isn't real steady on her back end.  I thought at first it was probably from being so malnourished and underweight but she's gained 2 lbs and IS somewhat better with her balance but perhaps she can't squat to pee? 

I'm sure the vet would want to xray and would rack up a fine vet bill (I'm going bankrupt with these vets anymore!)  doing who knows what all else but I thought I'd try ideas/suggestions from the cat world first.

I've tried to video it LOL but she seems to know when I'm not around - that's the time to 'go'.   I will keep trying tho - I'm sure she means to use/get it IN the litter box but just doesn't quite make it inside enough.   I tried hooded boxes,  big long tupperware box , this one for older cats so it isn't a high step to get in seems to be the best but still missing it.  

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11/03/2024 6:09 pm
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I tried to post pics here but doesn't work.  Not sure how to get the URL for them - normally just paste it to the page

Joined: 3 months ago
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12/03/2024 1:35 am
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Oh thank you for your kind words!  She IS a sweetheart but can get feisty - wonder if kids teased or 'bothered'  her or even adults?

The one on Chewy is way too low - like the tupperware one I got - she totally missed it and peed by the edges and out the box it went!  LOL like every time!

Another one is rather high sided with a really low entry in the  middle of the front and that's the one she still misses and out the front it goes also!

I guess a vet visit is coming up to see if she does have an (old?) injury or just what.   Again THANK YOU!

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 5
13/03/2024 7:56 am

It’s really easy to misread what cats generally do. When cats pee backwards it’s to mark their territory, which would point to a location issue causing anxiety. How private is her box? Is it tucked away or in a larger space? If it’s in a larger space and you have no other smaller locations think about ways to screen her box.

Joined: 3 months ago
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13/03/2024 12:12 pm
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@matthewbutler Hi and thank you for your input.  I have tried 4 different boxes (some hooded and some open)  I tried to post pics here but can't figure it out.   She has a room all to herself (but can come out anytime)  and I really am leaning toward it being a back or back leg issue.  She was extremely wobbly on her back end when she showed up here but SO emaciated and in pretty bad shape.   She's better now but still a bit 'off'.    She's gained a couple pounds too but I guess I need to get her back to the vet and see what he says.