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Solensia for cats s...

Solensia for cats side effects?

Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 1
11/03/2024 12:13 pm
Topic starter

My 18+ year-old cat, Snow, was eating well but seemed to be in pain. I took him to the vet, who treated him for heart disease. She did some blood tests and said the results were normal. She said that he may have been experiencing pain due to arthritis and recommended to try Solensia injections. A day after he took his first injection, he became more lethargic, stopped eating and seemed nauseous. I reside in Kuwait. It is incredibly challenging to get decent veterinarian care here. I have been trying to get to the same vet to inquire if I should give Snow metoclopramide to address the nausea. But she is not responding. Any idea of a safe anti-nausea medication that can be administered to cats who received Solensia injections? I know that vomiting is one of Solensia's side effects, although in a relatively small percentage of cats. Snow has not vomited. He just lost his appetite!

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 30
21/03/2024 1:33 pm

Yes, unfortunately, loss of appetite is one of those side effects included with gastrointestinal upset that may be seen with Solensia. Over the counter options include Pepcid (famotidine) and Prilosec (omeprazole) which may help with mild signs. For an average 10lb cat, the dose for each is about 5mg per cat once every 12-24 hours. Prescription options could include Cerenia (maropitant) which is a veterinary specific medication you'd have to get through a vet. Appetite stimulants like mirtazapine or capromorellin may also be helpful. Metoclopramide is indicated for nausea caused by intestinal ileus where things aren't moving properly. Hard to say if it would be appropriate in this case.