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My cat will only ea...

My cat will only eat treats

Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 1
22/03/2024 9:20 pm
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My 2 year old female cat will only eat temptations treats. I have tried dozens of different healthy foods and she refuses. She won’t eat any kind of human meats.  I am withholding treats to make her eat regular food and she still won’t eat.  We are on day two.  
Is there a better way?  Please help

Joined: 2 months ago
Posts: 1
20/04/2024 6:20 pm

Wow I thought I was the only one that had a cat that does that!’ Same thing and she doesn’t eat the broken ones!! They have to be whole treats, temptations too! Please someone help!!

2 Answers
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 30
24/03/2024 2:47 am

Hi Meg, my guess, given that you have a very young cat, is that she is simply holding out for the high reward treats. If she has been eating them essentially as a primary meal, you could try transitioning very slowly to an actual balanced food, the same way you would between two balanced diets. Transition slow over a good two weeks by mixing a small portion of dry food with the treats and gradually--and slowly--increase the amount of dry food and reduce the amount of treats. If you have trouble with her picking the treats out and leaving the dry food, try mashing up the temptations treats into small pieces/powder and see if she'll still eat that still. If she does, you could try doing the same with a dry food and mixing those together, perhaps with some low sodium chicken broth to almost make it like a wet food. If she likes the low sodium chicken (or beef) broth, that might mask the change in the underlying food too.

Some might adovcate the tough love approach like you've been doing, but while I suggest this approach sometimes with dogs, I am always cautious with this approach in cats since hepatic lipidosis can occur in some cats after only a day or two of anorexia/not eating. Some cats might give up and eventually eat what's offered, but cats have been known to be very stubborn. So if you continue that approach, monitor her health very carefully. 

Joined: 2 months ago
Posts: 1
05/04/2024 10:07 pm

Helo Meg, my 3 cats are addicted to Temptation treats as well. Temptation company has a line of regular cat food. It has the treats mixed in with the food not alot but my cats love it. I think they coat all of the food with what attracts all cats to Temptations. Interesting fact, according to Dr. Marty the secret taste that they use that cat's can't resist is an artificially designed taste of rotting fish. I know sounds gross doesn't it. But if that's what they like who am I to judge, if that's what makes my girls happy it makes me happy. My three girls Ringo, Roswell, and Aurora all calico, used to consume a 14 Oz container a week and now with the Temptation cat food they have cut back to 3/4 of a container a week. I also ( right or wrong ) give them 3 to 4 different dry foods to choose from in bowls on their food tray. This allows them to enjoy what they like when they like. You would think they would all be overweight, but they are all fit and trim. Well that's my 2 cents worth. TTFN STANMAN and the space cats 😎😼😺😸 OUT

Joined: 2 months ago
Posts: 1
20/04/2024 4:22 am

I understand your problem completely. My fur baby will be 9 soon, and I have struggled with her eating since we adopted her at the age of 4 weeks after her next door family was evicted and her mother abandoned her. A neighbor child was taking tuna and milk to her before she was captured and adopted. So, from the beginning, she would only eat tuna, and was very particular about the texture, smell, taste, and mood. I have tried every brand of cat food- cheap, expensive, pate, cuts, gravy or not, etc.  As Mr Sorensen reported, Temptations is worth trying.  My baby will eat some dry food more readily than wet.